Day 9: Connections

We do the Connections every morning. 16 seemingly disparate words or phrases in a 4×4 grid, waiting for us to make the connection between them.

We play Connections after we’ve already gotten the Wordle, and once we’ve solved the Mini Crossword. I play Spelling Bee most days too, though I’m not as obsessed as I was last year with getting Queen Bee (thanks, Steve G from Long Beach!), and I much prefer Connections.

We only have 4 lives but if we play together we have 8. It’s not a competition. It’s a challenge, the goal being to find all four groups.

There are always some red herrings. Some too obvious or too out there. The worst is when you lose a life and all the tiles shake, meaning you’re not even “one away.”

If I solve everything well (the Wordle within 4, the Mini in under a minute, and Connections without losing all of my lives), it means it’s going to be a good day. If it’s a 6-guess day on the Wordle (“phew!”) or, god forbid, a loss of my streak, and I go to work without having Connections solved, I start the day uneasy.

There’s something I love about having worked out my brain — successfully — before the day begins. As the tagline goes, “A good day starts with play.” And these word games keep our brains sharp, Kim reminds me.

Today we did the Connections. First we solved the Wordle (I got it in 4), and then the Mini (1:39, it was slightly bigger today). I lost a life with my first guess. But then we saw it. The 4 categories, coming into focus, the pixels sharpening.

“Ah-a!” That’s the feeling. When you finally see it.

And so I know (or rather, hope confidently) today is gonna be a good day.

11 responses to “Day 9: Connections”

  1. Anita Ferreri Avatar
    Anita Ferreri

    Yes, I am a fellow NYTimes puzzle junkie, but I play alone and OFTEN need ALL my lives in Connections. Some days (like today) I am on a roll until I het Spelling Bee and then, I hit the wall of unusual words that can bother me all day long. It may be good for my brain, but it can steal my thoughts as I go through the day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! I used to have my students help me with spelling bee. Do you ever go to the comments for hints? If you like crosswords, it makes it a fun crossword-like game.


  2. I enjoy them too, but am not super regular. I love that you make up what will be a sign of a good day ahead- I do that with some things too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve gotten in the habit! If I miss a day, I break my streak on wordle which is always a bummer hahaha 😂


  3. I want my days to start with play, too. Thank you for always inspiring the best habits, friend! ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I too like word games. I don’t subscribe to the NY Times games, so I play Wordle and Spelling Bee. I agree, it helps keep one’s brain sharp.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My friend doesn’t subscribe but is still able to play the mini and connections! Highly recommend them 🙂


  5. I do Wordle, Connections & Spelling Bee every morning. Usually I do the Sudoku, too. Monday – Wednesday I do the crossword, too, but by Thursday I usually can’t finish it on my own. I love starting my day with these games; it feels like a fun way to get going (unless I don’t get the Wordle – that can throw me off for *days*!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love sudoku but prefer it on paper! The rest I have no issue doing online. I’m usually only capable of solving the Monday and Tuesday crosswords on my own. And yes!! Not getting the wordle bums me out for so long. 🥲

      Liked by 1 person

  6. My son and I love playing Connections. We’ve recently gotten into Vertices too. He starts them and asks me for help when they get too challenging. However, he can see those triangles better than I can sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also love Vertices! But I can only play on my iPad — they’re too overwhelming on the phone!


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